Wednesday, October 19, 2011

If you're an artist and are self-employed, this blog is for you. I'm not going to toot my own horn on this blog about how great my art is (its not), or brag about my kids (I do enough of that on Face Book). I'm starting this blog because a lot of people have come to me for advice over the years, and it seems like there isn't one good place to go on the net for info on artists who own their own businesses. I don't pretend to be the most knowledgable (I've been at it for 15 years as a caricaturist, which if you know our biz, you know those are the front lines),  sure. But there are plenty of other folks with a lot more experience than little old me. Which is why I'm planning on interviewing people in our field and learning their secrets, then passing them on to you. I hope you like it, and aren't too offended - I'm from Philly after all, and we Philly fillies speak our minds! ;)  Enjoy!

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